Mistakes law students make Once upon a time, there was a bright, ambitious and hard working law student. She wanted to be an extraordinary lawyer. Her parents invested heavily in her career, sending her to an expensive law school. She believed by the time she graduates she will get a job that will be worth all the hard work, the exams, the bank loans and mortgage, 5 years of living away from the family and sleepless nights spent writing projects or reading case law and statutes. (My thoughts: "Well, from experience, it's not easy but an interesting journey I must say") mute She first encountered a hitch when she began to apply for internships. Internships are very important, so she heard. But as she wrote emails after emails to tons of places, she got no replies. The placement and recruitment committee sometimes got her an internship or two, but they turned out to be lame. (My thoughts: " Well, that's true, but in my case I had...

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